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Course Introduction
Course Introduction (2:14)
Module 1: Idea Formation
Introduction to Idea Formation (2:36)
Lesson 1: Self Reflection (4:25)
Lesson 2: Generate Ideas (6:01)
Lesson 3: Select Final Book Topic (3:10)
Module 2: Idea Development
Introduction to Idea Development (2:36)
Lesson 4: Determine the Goal (5:43)
Lesson 5: Create an Outline (2:53)
Lesson 6: Finish the First Draft (8:33)
Module 3: Idea Refinement
Introduction to Idea Refinement (2:43)
Lesson 7: Revise First Draft (5:42)
Lesson 8: Proofread and Edit (3:40)
Lesson 9: Produce Final Draft (4:06)
Module 4: Publication
Introduction to Publication (4:32)
Lesson 10: Copyright Final Proofread and Edited Draft (4:32)
Lesson 11: Format Book and Develop Cover Art (5:09)
Lesson 12: Obtain ISBN and Barcode (2:58)
Lesson 13: Publish Book (4:31)
Lesson 13: Publish Book
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